Thursday, January 22, 2009

Liam rolls

Last night the most exciting thing happened. Daddy was making me do tummy time, which I absolutely hate and I got to thinking that I would have so much more fun if I were on my back. So, I lifted one arm up and then used the weight of my massive head to swing the rest of my body over and whoosh, there I was, on my back. I thought mommy and daddy would be upset because I'm suppose to do tummy time every day so my head doesn't get flat but they were oddly excited and proceeded to make me do it over and over until I became very tired. It doesn't take much does it. They're easily amused! I'm pretty sure I know how to put my foot in my mouth but I'll bust that one out for them later.

By: Liam Meyer

Friday, January 9, 2009

Our new blog

Hi Everyone!

Tyson and I decided that starting a blog would be a great way to keep everyone updated with what's going on with the Meyer clan. We plan to post pictures and video of little Liam so you can all watch him grow. Enjoy!

Liam's First Christmas

Liam spent his 2 month birthday Christmas day at Pop Pop and Mimi's house in Port Townsend. He didn't seem to notice that he was lucky to have a white Christmas or that Santa was very good to him. He was just happy to have some new faces to smile at!